Train With Kim at The Gym
Train With Kim at The Gym

New Webseries Coming Soon

What is the purpose of the show?

It's not a contest and it's not about getting a revenge body. Over 45 million people in this country are living with at least one form of chronic disease; from cancer to diabetes to Parkinsons - everyone knows someone who is dealing with a health issue - and I'm here to help.


Who is on the show?

The people on the show are my real life clients, not actors. All participants have applied for selection, have signed a media release form and agree to be filmed for a period of time as they take steps towards a healthier lifestyle.


What is each episode about?

In each episode we try to achieve one of two objectives:

1- Find a Place:  

Based on their goals and barriers we shop for a gym or studio in their area, sometimes touring 3 or 4 to find the best fit. The client is encouraged to try each facility a few times on their own and at the end of the episode the client reveals which facilty they chose and why.

Clients recieve a 3 month workout program specific for their goals written by me to be used at their new gym. The client agrees to a 3 month follow up via skype or facetime. 




2 - Create a Space:

I come to the client and transform a space in their home to meet their health goals. Based on assesements and intake interviews I help navigate which equipment will best meet their needs and create a workout program specific for them. The client agrees to a 3 month follow up via skype or facetime. 


Does it cost anything to be on the show?

If the objective is to Find a Place, the costs of joining the facility and any monthly dues are the clients responsibility. There is no charge to be on the show however the client agrees to pay for Personal Training services and the customized workout program provided.


If the objective is to Create a Space, products used are provided by Precor Home Fitness at no cost, however the client is responsible for any construction costs associated with the project and agrees to pay for Personal Training services provided.


All costs are negotiated and agreed upon prior to filming. All participants must sign a media release form and a liability release agreement. Participants agree to privacy policy and may not disclose any information about the episode until it is released to air.


Who can apply to be on the show?

Anyone! The application process is simple but be sure to include as much detail as possible. Remember we are looking for inspirational and relatable stories so that viewers at home can learn ways to take their own steps. Filming is primarily in the Pacific Northwest, however other areas will be considered. 

Click Here to Apply


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