Kim Rose Personal Trainer Kitsap Silverdale
Kim Rose Personal Trainer Kitsap Silverdale
Train With Kim at The Gym
Train With Kim at The Gym

Trauma-Informed Training

My family and I traveled the long and difficult road of loving an addict, and in 2022 we lost our son to an overdose. He was 24.


Strength Training and Yoga have always been anchors for me during times of stress and during that intense season of trauma and loss, it was the only thing I could hang on to that kept me moving forward. As corny as it sounds, I believe the gym, and some days, simply just moving, is what saved my life.


I am now a certified Trauma-Informed Trainer and Yoga Instructor and I use my education and teaching expertise to work with therapists, mental health facilities and recovery centers to help those in recovery learn to use their bodies as a healing tool from trauma.


If you, or someone you love, is struggling with addiction, anxiety, depression or recovery - I am happy to be a resource for help.




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